Enrollment for this program ends in:


With Your “Personal Mind Trainer” Marco Auciello

Answer This! 

Have You Had ENOUGH of Leading a Life Full of Anxiety, Panic Attacks, and Negativity?


Let Australia’s Best-Rated Hypnotherapist Help You Reclaim Your Life with The Most Effective, Affordable, and Highly Sought-After ANXIETY RELEASE 4-SESSION PROGRAM Delivered Virtually Through Skype

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Over 4000 People Have Changed Their Lives with Australia’s and Now New York City’s Top-Rated Hypnotist’s Help!

Now You Can Too — From the Comfort of Your Home!

The Anxiety Release Program is the answer to your cry for help. This 4-session hypnosis program is an opportunity for you to finally be free of the crippling anxiety that has taken over your life for as long as you can remember.

What’s better?

You don’t even have to leave your home, be stuck in traffic, and sit in crowded waiting rooms like you have to do in ordinary hypnotherapy clinics.

Often, these are the things that trigger an individual’s anxiety and we don’t want that. That is why…

The Anxiety Release Program is Delivered Through Skype Sessions so YOU Can Take the Coaching...

The program comes to you in a virtual group setting where you get to overcome mental barriers and turn bottlenecks into breakthroughs through group sessions over Skype…

That too…

  • ….at a time that’s convenient to YOU
  • …in a way that is personalized for YOU
  • …while joining hands with other individuals fighting the same fight as YOU
  • …so that YOU can finally STOP suffering and START living!

LIVE and Online From The Comfort of Your Own Home!

But first, let me congratulate you — because what you are going to be a part of is going to change your life FOREVER.

Thousands of people before you had the same questions that you have now.

They would all say the same thing….

  • Hypnosis is not real.”
  • A hypnotist cant solve severe anxiety problems just by putting you in hypnosis.”
  • Even if hypnosis works, theres no way you can do it successfully over Skype.”

Even until the last minute they thought it wasn’t going to help them, but they were too tired of having tried EVERYTHING else without any long-term solution.

And the list goes on…

But nothing worked and they were sure this wouldn’t too.

4 weeks later, these were the same people who you can find saying all sorts of magical things about this program in our testimonials.

You see it is the most basic traits of anyone struggling with anxiety.

They tend to question and doubt everything, to see the negative in everything and everyone, and to be hopeless and feeling trapped in this world forever.

This is your chance to break free!

You have been suffering for far too long.
No one deserves to live a life in fear of and being controlled by anxiety.
No one has to live like that.
A happier life is possible for you even though you have given up.

But before I get into the details of how these sessions can help you, let me introduce myself…

Hello there!

My name is Marco Auciello…

A ‘Personal Mind Trainer’ who is going to help you live your best life — a life without severe anxiety, unwelcome panic attacks, and stress … lots of stress.

I am a proud member of the National Guild of Hypnotists (established in Boston, Massachusetts in 1950) and an esteemed member of the hypnotist community in New York City & surrounding areas.

I have worked with over 4000 individuals just like you around the world.

Anxiety had taken over their lives. They kept thinking it would get better, that it would go away, but only when the problem became so severe that they couldn’t handle it anymore did they reach out to me.

I don’t want you to make that mistake.

I have seen what happens if you let anxiety destroy your life.

The sooner you take control of your life, the better — and I am here to help you do exactly that with my Anxiety Release Program.

Before continuing with the details of the program, let’s see if my program is suitable for you.

🚩 Do you feel like you're in a constant fog state?

You can hear fine, but you have trouble listening. You know what to say, but you can’t say it, and your body and everything in it is just frozen?

🚩 Are you always in an endless struggle of wanting to say the right thing at the right time, but struggle to do so?

You know the answer is to relax and not to care much but it feels impossible?

🚩 Does your brain create problems that don’t exist, and you tend to assume the worst will happen?

This makes you very scared to do normal things?

🚩 Do you suffer from things like stomach indigestion, always being tired due to an overactive mind, your back and shoulders feel tense due to always being on edge and in panic mode?

Your appetite fluctuates, and you get headaches, all without any causes?

🚩 Do you spend so much time in your head that you start projecting your thoughts outward onto the world and it starts to become your reality?

🚩 Do you avoid big crowds and, in situations like that, you feel like you throat is constricted, and you have something pressing on your chest?

You can only breathe shallow breaths while your mind races and you feel intense fear and panic?

These are all red flags!

If your answer to any of these questions was yes, you need help — and you need it NOW!

The Anxiety Release Program is your way out of this mess. It can help you escape the anxiety whirlwind that is dragging you into the dark abyss of depression and severe panic attacks.

With just 4 weeks of Skype sessions in the Anxiety Release program, you will:

Here’s A Complete Breakdown of The Anxiety Release Program

Week 1: Overcome Fear and Anxiety

Face Life with Confidence

In this Skype group session, you will be taught how to take back command of your emotional response to life. You will be trained to manage your emotions and break your habit of negative imaginations so that you can be calm and face life with confidence.

You will learn:

Week 2: Stop Panic Attacks

Reset Your Mind Body System

In this Skype group session, you will learn relaxation techniques and the internal resources you need to stay calm and relaxed always. You will be taught how to detach yourself from stressful situations and keep yourself calm.


You will learn:

Week 3: Generalized Anxiety Treatment

Face Your Future Calmly

In this Skype group session, we will work together to break patterns of anxious thinking that lead to anxiety. You will be trained to fall out of your pattern of incessant worry that causes your anxiety.


You will learn:

Week 4: Stop Thinking the Worst

Stay Positive and Focused

In this Skype group session, you will be trained to be more realistic in situations and to ask and answer the difficult questions like ‘what’s the worst that could happen’ as it will allow you to be deal better with these thoughts. You will be taught how to not be unrealistic in your assessments and stop feeling helpless.


You will learn:

This 4-week Skype program will provide you all the necessary skills and techniques that you need to regain a balance in your life.

You will see a clear difference in your anxiety, panic attacks, and fear.

You will feel it in your bones how your whole thinking pattern is changing and improving your life with it.

And the best part? These sessions are going to happen every weekday at 12pm, 3pm and 6pm (Central Daylight Time)…

Which means, in case you miss them one day, you can always join the other one…

But that’s not all.


The journey doesn’t have to stop here!

Since I want to make sure you stay in the best mental state for the rest of your life, the Anxiety Release Program can be just the beginning…

Once the 4-week program is over and we’ve worked together to turn bottlenecks into breakthroughs, you have the option to book in one-on-one sessions with Marco to tackle other issues…

You Choose From The Following Topics:

Ask Yourself, What Cost Are You Wiling to Pay for a Stress-Free and Anxiety-Free Life?

Let’s get to the pricing.

I believe you can’t put a price tag on your health.

What wouldn’t you pay to rid yourself of anxiety, fear, panic attacks, and negativity that is destroying your life?

That is why we work! So that we can improve our life. Right?

With the Anxiety Release Program, you have a chance to really bring a 360-degree change in your life.

That is why even though the actual price of this 4-session program is $1000! ($250 USD per individual session)

You Can Get the 4-Session Program for

JUST $199

That’s a whopping 80 PERCENT discount!

PLUS… I Have a Special Bonus for You

Book in for the Anxiety Release Program right now and you will also get FREE access to the…

Stress Success Mp3

An All-in-One Solution to Remove All Stress From Your Life and Set Yourself Up for Success

The Stress Success Mp3 is your way out of your stress.

Stress is a slow killer. Apart from the disastrous unhealthy effects of stress, stress can really steal your energy, focus, and success from you.

It is an uphill struggle to be better and achieve more in life.

With the Stress Success Mp3, you will learn:

The Stress Success Mp3 has helped thousands of people live stress-free lives through simple and easy-to-learn techniques and strategies.

The actual price of this Mp3 is $25 USD… but you’ll be getting it FREE if you ACT NOW!



Enrollment for the Anxiety Program Ends On March 31st…

Which means that on the 31st of March, when the clock strikes 11:59PM EST, you will no longer be able to enroll in this program and turn your life around…

How the next 4 weeks after March 31st go is now up to you. Do you want it to be the same? Or do you want to stand up and do something about it?

Remember: If you keep doing the same things, you will keep getting the same results. And it’s about time you take action and never look back!

Book in now to secure your desired time slot, as each session is limited to ONLY 8 people. No exceptions!

Disclaimer: This is a virtual group Skype session consisting of other like-minded individuals that have joined to reach their goal of becoming anxiety free. You may also ask for an individual session, as private phone/Skype or in office sessions are also available upon request. Inquire within!

So, are you ready to take back the control of your life?

The Anxiety Release Program is your ticket to a stress-free life. You deserve to live a life without anxiety.



All Skype sessions are around 60 minutes in duration, give or take.

Now, even though you’re here, you could still be saying to yourself, ‘hypnosis sounds great, but I just don’t see myself doing this on Skype… Is it really effective as in-person sessions?

As with most self-limiting beliefs, this is simply a question of perception. For starters, you might think hypnosis through Skype isn’t for you, but I’ll bet at some point you didn’t see yourself using hypnosis to solve your anxiety issue either. But here you are looking into it.

Of course, an analogy is one thing, but let’s conduct a true thought experiment: Take a moment to put on one of your favorite songs and listen to it for a few moments.

What are you sensing, feeling? Happiness? Excitement? Relaxation?


…is the band or singer singing to you in-person?

It’s the same thing with Skype hypnosis. You don’t need for me to be in the room with you.
Whether you’re in my office with me or I’m speaking to you through Skype, the effects are the same.
Your subconscious doesn’t know or care if we’re ten feet apart or on opposite sides of the planet.

Because the instant you close your eyes, you’ll experience the same high-quality hypnosis sessions as if you were in the same room with me. It truly makes no difference.

This has been no more apparent than during the uncertain times of living through a pandemic.

Concerns regarding a group session generally boil down to 2 things:

The therapeutic quality of a group session will not be as effective as the 1-to-1 And/or Privacy

I’ll address the group effectiveness question first…

Simply put, even though it’s a group session, the therapeutic effects of my Skype hypnosis will be exactly the same as a 1-to-1.

I’ll introduce myself to you and to the other people, conduct a pre-trance segment which involves a series of questions and statements designed to reframe some of the associations you have around fear and anxiety (this gets you thinking differently about how you relate to situations), and then the closed-eye, deep trance session will begin.

From there I’ll induce you into a trance state, during which time I’ll speak to the group as if it’s just one person (addressing the group as “you” – while occasionally speaking to a specific individual by name) with the therapeutic process being virtually identical to a 1-on-1.

During a session, only your first name will ever be used. Also, if you’re not very familiar with Skype and don’t like the idea of being seen, know you can just use Skype’s audio option and leave the video off. This means besides others during the session listening to me, YOU WILL HAVE TOTAL PRIVACY.

Our Google & Facebook Reviews!

Refund Policy

Well, there’s no better way to say this but there’s currently no refund on this program after you’ve attended your first virtual group session.

Think of it as a commitment to yourself and you won’t ever need a refund…

If you’ve decided to change the way things are in your life, let this be a point of no return…

Join me on a journey where you never have to worry about looking back and going to the same life you once had…

And to make it easier, you get to schedule your session each week.

If you must change sessions due to personal things that may pop up, book in for another open time slot in that week.

Should you miss a week, you may continue the following week — just know you will have missed a vital portion of the program.

Sorry, This Program Is No Longer Available.

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